Project description
The schematic design for an unbuilt project at Cherry-brook explored the relationship between inhabiting the house and revealing the surrounding bushland that in 1980 was a landscape of sandstone, eucalypts and flowering native plants.
The intention was to develop this early design and to inflect the strict linear plan to the ground conditions, and orchestrate movement with the view along its length. The site offered opportunities for directing views upwards to tall trees and downwards to miniature landscapes amongthe outcropping sandstone.The linear plan also offered places for privacy, with a sequence of external rooms each amplifying the sense of the space in its adjacent small internal room.
The single-storey timber structure provides a horizontal platform above the craggy landscape and the capacity for framing openings and incidental views.
From inside, the open-ended gable roofs intensify the sense of shelter. Externally, the extended gable timbers connect the house to the surrounding bush, augmenting the height of the structure and drawing the eye upward.